Monday, May 12, 2008

Kingston Mayor sues local blogger

Kingston Mayor Jim Sottile has apparently filed a libel lawsuit against local blogger Clark Ritchters. For the last year, Clark has maintained the blog The legal papers, filed in Ulster County Court, by Sottile's attorney Joe O'Conner was also served upon Clark Ritchters on Monday. Sottile's suit claimed that Richters made libelous statements regarding the recent public bid process for demolishing the uptown parking garage. If found guilty Richters would be out $100,000.

It seems slightly odd that a government official is suing a blogger for libel. I believe the legal eagles will have fun battling this out in Court.

Word has it that a Legal Defense Fund is being set up so that Clark can fight this suit.


... said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Jim cant lower taxes or clean up the city but has the time to deal with a small time half wit?
What 3600 morons voted for this guy?
You should all be proud

Anonymous said...

Good for Sottile. It was time for someone to call these bloggers task for the completely unsubstantiated rumor and innuenedo they present as fact on their blogs. I hope this bankrupts Richter he has it coming.

Anonymous said...

Sottile will never win this case, but I agree with 2:30. There's too much garbarge on a lot of these blogs. It's time bloggers were held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Look at the election cycle. Government officials and those running for an elected official are thrown mud at all the time. They take it on the chin because the law says they have to. This is the same with the rest of the year.

Like or not, Sottile's case will be dismissed.

Anonymous said...

It has been no secret that I (N.S.) view the UCP blog as a work (most-times) of artistic and creative genius - and my perspective (from the outside in) has been that the UCP blog dealt more in the realm of political satire (a lot of the entries depicting humor) --- designed to stimulate discussion (that is part of a blog's purpose, I believe...) on an issue.

The other local blogs I have seen are almost always presented on a much more serious note - and are meant, one might assume, to be taken more seriously (in terms of facts).

So - what am I trying to say?

I am trying to say that in my opinion the folks assosciated with the UCP blog probably didn't mean any harm to anyone.

Plus, folks should keep in mind all of the free services (or via donations only) that that UCP blog has performed for the community - from taping City meetings, providing educational programming, to video-taping some of the City's parades.

Shouldn't all of that be taken into account? Why couldn't the folks associated with the UCP blog simply post a retraction and apology for the misunderstanding - along the lines of those I have seen published in newspapers from time to time?

Truly, I don't think the folks associated with the UCP blog have any malicious intent...

Do they employ some offbeat humor sometimes? Sure. But that is very much in vogue, and the folks at UCP (hassles aside) might well make it big someday.

... said...

May 15, 2008 5:05 AM


... said...

So tell me. How did you get this lawsuit information? SO FAST!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the blog at has been removed.

The Mayor. Wins!